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    • Abstract:
      The role of women in the development of social work in Croatia is analysed in three periods: 1900–1941 (the influence of women's organisations, women's movements and the emancipation of women), 1941–1952 (the role of women in the care for the victims of war, especially children, and the impact of women on the professionalisation of social work), and 1952–1960 (the role of women in the foundation of the school for social workers and in the development of the profession of social work). Each period is marked by the activities of a concrete woman. Milica Bogdanović was the president of the society ‘Protectors of Girls’ (1927–1936), Diana Budisavljević organised the rescue of, and care for, several thousand children, victims of war (1941–1945), and Tatjana Marinić was one of the founders of the Zagreb school for social workers. The analysis of the role of women in the development of social work is the framework for a reflection on more general questions: Is social work of ‘female or male gender?’ How did the marginal social status of women motivate their active role in the profession of social work? Has the entry of women into the field of care for the discriminated and vulnerable groups contributed to the professional and academic promotion of women or to the marginalisation of social work as a profession? What has been the role of individual ‘strong women’ in the development of the profession? [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Vloga žensk v razvoju socialneEa dela na Hrvaškem je analizirana v treh časovnih obdobjih: od leta 1900 do 1941 (vpliv ženskih organizacij, ženskega gibanja in emancipacije žensk na razvoj socialnega dela, od leta 1941 do 1952 (vloga žensk v skrbi za žrtve vojne, še zlasti otrok in vpliv žensk na profesionalizacijo socialnega dela) in od leta 1952 do 1960 (vloga žensk pri ustanovitvi šole za socialne delavce in razvoju socialnega dela kot poklica). Vsako obdobje zaznamuje delovanje konkretnih žensk; Milica Bogdanovič je bila predsednica društva Zaščitnice deklic v obdobju 1927–1936, Diana Budisavljevič je v obdobju 1941–1945 organizirala reševa nje in skrb za več tisoč otrok žrtev vojne, Tatjana Mariničje ena od usta noviteljic šole za socialne delavce v Zagrebu. Analiza vloge žensk v razvoju socialnega dela je vsebinski okvir za refleksijo nekaterih splošnejših vprašanj. Je socialno delo »ženskega ali moškega spola«? Na kašen način je bil marginalizirani druž beni status žensk motivacija za njihovo aktivno vlogo v razvoju socialnega dela kot poklica? Je vstop žensk na področje skrbi za diskriminirane in ranljive skupine prispeval k strokovni in akademski uveljavitvi žensk ali k marginalizaciji socialnega dela kot poklica? Kakšna je vloga posameznih močnih ženskv razvoju socialnega dela kot poklica? [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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