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In the last decade, the gender imbalance in the composition of the judiciary has sporadically been raised as a problem in professional, political and broader public discourse in Slovenia. Warnings about the growing number of women among judges, often framed as the feminisation of the judiciary, come in waves and oscillate in terms of the weight and reach attributed to them by the professional and general public. The article concisely reviews the key theoretical arguments, especially those related to the value of diversity, which can serve as a basis for a reasoned and evidence-based discussion on the need for gender balance in this context. By applying these arguments to the situation on the ground as it has developed in Slovenia over the last decades, among other things, the article aims to demonstrate what we really know about the key parameters that frame these social and legal developments in Slovenia and where we may be just guessing and caution is warranted while calling for the implementing of measures to address the current state of affairs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
V strokovnem, političnem in širšem javnem diskurzu pri nas se neuravnotežena spolna sestava na sodiščih v zadnjem desetletju sporadično vzpostavlja kot problem. Opozorila na račun naraščajočega števila sodnic v primerjavi s številom sodnikov, pogosto označena kot feminizacija sodstva, prihajajo v valovih in oscilirajo glede teže in dometa, ki ga imajo v strokovni in laični javnosti. V članku so strnjeno obravnavani ključni teoretični argumenti, povezani zlasti z vrednoto raznolikosti oz. diverzitete, na podlagi katerih je mogoče osnovati argumentirano in na dejstvih osnovano razpravo o potrebi po spolni uravnoteženosti v tem kontekstu. Z apliciranjem teh argumentov na stanje na terenu, kot se je v zadnjih desetletjih oblikovalo pri nas, želi članek med drugim pokazati, kaj o ključnih parametrih, ki uokvirjajo te družbene in pravne procese v Sloveniji, zares vemo, ter na katerih mestih gre bolj za ugibanje in bi bilo na mestu več previdnosti pri pozivih k sprejemanju raznovrstnih ukrepov za spremembo obstoječega stanja. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
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