Direktna marketinška komunikacija promatrana kroz prizmu supkultura generacije Y i Z. (Bosnian)

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    • Alternate Title:
      Direct marketing communication through the lens of the Y and the Z generation subcultures. (English)
    • Abstract:
      Making the right decisions about marketing communication is an important factor in market success. In order to gain and retain consumers, companies invest significant efforts in understanding their needs and desires and in creating personalized offers and communication methods. Direct marketing communication has the following characteristics: immediacy, adaptability, personalized approach, interactivity and measurability. The development of digital channels leads to an expanded application of direct marketing communication, which is why today it includes direct and digital marketing. Determinants of the subculture are briefly presented, which are observed through generational affiliation using the example of the Y and Z generations. A quantitative survey was conducted on a sample of 200 respondents with the purpose of gaining insight into the attitudes of members of the Y and Z generations towards the selected tools of direct marketing communication. The paper presents and interprets the results of the similarities and differences in the respondents' attitudes, also, the limitations of the research as well as recommendations for future research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Donošenje ispravnih odluka o marketinškom komuniciranju važan je čimbenik tržišnoga uspjeha. Kako bi pridobili i zadržali potrošače, poduzeća ulažu značajne napore u razumijevanje njihovih potreba i želja te u kreiranje personalizirane ponude i načina komunikacije. Direktna marketinška komunikacija ima obilježja neposrednosti, prilagodljivosti, personaliziranog pristupa, interaktivnosti i mjerljivosti. Pojavom digitalnih kanala dolazi do proširene primjene direktne marketinške komunikacije koja danas uključuje direktni i digitalni marketing. Ukratko su izložene odrednice supkulture promatrane kroz generacijsku pripadnost na primjeru Y i Z generacije. Provedeno je kvantitativno istraživanje na uzorku od 200 ispitanika radi stjecanja uvida u stavove pripadnika Y i Z generacije prema odabranim alatima direktne marketinške komunikacije. U radu su prikazani i interpretirani rezultati o sličnostima i razlikama u stavovima ispitanika te su navedena ograničenja istraživanja kao i preporuke za buduća istraživanja. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
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