Karijes ranog djetinjstva – mitovi i zablude. (Croatian)

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  • Additional Information
    • Alternate Title:
      Early childhood caries – myths and misconceptions. (English)
    • Abstract:
      Dental caries is defined as a chronic, infectous (bacterial), chronic disease that results with milligram mineral losses from an infected tooth. Destruction of hard dental tissues is an irreversible process results with permanent loss of hard dental tissues, which ultimately results in acute and chronic problems for each individual. In children, the mentioned problem can affect different levels of the child’s psychological and physical development, which can result in problems in the growth and development of the jaw, improper chewing function and phonation, up to the development of dental fear and anxiety as a consequence of the necessary emergency dental intervention in a small child. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the mechanisms of early childhood caries, thereby eliminating all the myths and misconceptions that still exist today about this topic. At the same time, the parents/caregivers are the most important persons in caries prevention, who following the instructions of the pediatrician and pediatric dentist, will provide all the necessary procedures to preserve the health of the child’s teeth. At the same time, it is important to explain to the parents/caregivers the mechanism of the disease development, risk factors, the importance of proper nutrition, how to maintain proper oral hygiene and the necessity of regular dental check-ups with the obligatory early visit to the dentist for a check-up at the age of one year. Finally, with the cooperation of pediatrician and pediatric dentist, the risk factors for early childhood caries will be greatly reduced, which will make everyday clinical work significantly easier for everyone, and most importantly, it will have a positive impact on the quality of life of the child, which will not have negative dental experiences from early childhood. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Karijes se definira kao kronična, bakterijama posredovana bolest koja rezultira miligramskim gubicima minerala iz zuba koji je zahvaćen infekcijom. Destrukcija tvrdih zubnih tkiva ireverzibilan je proces i trajni gubitak tvrdih zubnih tkiva koji u konačnici za posljedicu ima akutne i kronične tegobe za svakog pojedinca. U djeteta navedeni problem može utjecati na različite razine njegova psihičkog i fizičkog razvoja, što za posljedicu može imati probleme u rastu i razvoju čeljusti, nepravilnoj funkciji žvakanja i fonaciji do razvoja dentalnog straha i anksioznosti, kao posljedica nužne hitne stomatološke intervencije kod malog djeteta. Stoga je od izuzetne važnosti razumjevanje mehanizma nastanaka ranog karijesa djetinjstva, eliminirajući pritom sve mitove i zablude koje danas još uvijek postoje o toj temi. Pritom je roditelj/skrbnik najvažniji preventivac, koji će, slijedeći upute pedijatra i dječjeg stomatologa, osigurati sve potrebne uvjete za očuvanje zdravlja djetetovih zuba. Pritom je važno roditelju/skrbniku objasniti mehanizam nastanaka bolesti, čimbenike rizika, važnost pravilne prehrane, način održavanja oralne higijene i neizostavnost redovitih stomatoloških kontrola uz obvezni pravodobni odlazak stomatologu na pregled u dobi od godinu dana djeteta. Na taj način, suradnjom pedijatra i dječjeg stomatologa, umnogome će se smanjiti čimbenici rizika za nastanak karijesa ranog djetinjstva, što će svima značajno olakšati svakodnevni klinički rad, a, što je najvažnije, pozitivno će utjecati na kvalitetu života djeteta, koje neće imati negativna dentalna iskustva od najranijeg djetinjstva. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
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