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      Even though the inconsistency of the attitudes and actions of the EU member states with the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU is a regular phenomenon, the nature of the accession process to the Union and the inherent imbalance in the relations between the EU and countries aspirants to full membership impose a completely different dynamic. Practice has shown that countries that are actively working towards EU accession are regularly under greater pressure and subject to a greater degree of expectation in the area of compliance with EU foreign policy decisions than the member states themselves. The candidate countries for EU membership from the Western Balkans, currently Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Kosovo*, as potential candidate countries, have defined EU membership as their strategic goal. By accepting the Global Strategy of the EU and its goals, obligations were created that, in practice, do not correspond to the required level of alignment of these countries' foreign policies. In this context, this normative analysis covers all the more frequent cases of non-compliance with the EU CFSP through the identification of the increase in the scope and quality of the so-called "separate domains", as issues of special national or state interest in the Western Balkans countries' foreign policies in the context of the EU accession process. By strengthening the differences in the foreign policy positions of the EU in relation to the attitudes of other global and international normative players, for example Russia, China, or the United States of America (USA), the need to preserve "separate domains" in some of the countries of the Western Balkans is strengthened, as to the obligations created by the SAA and others in the domain of EU integration. This dynamic of compliance with the obligations comes into collision with the special relations with other normative forces in the region, and additionally limits the EU's action as a foreign policy actor on the global and international level. Parallel to these phenomena, perceptions of current positions and power relations are not necessarily based on the true level of engagement and investment of resources, but on the need for a stronger focus on the general effects of the accession process, such as EU foreign policy instruments, which, as a rule, did not significantly contribute to the elimination of disputed points in the harmonization of positions in the field of EU foreign policy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Iako je neusklađenost stavova i djelovanja zemalja članica Evropske unije sa Zajedničkom vanjskom i sigurnosnom politikom EU redovna pojava, priroda procesa pristupanja u Uniju i inherentna neravnoteža u odnosima između EU i zemalja aspiranata za punopravno članstvo nameću posve drugačiju dinamiku. Praksa je pokazala da su zemlje koje aktivno rade na pristupanju EU redovno pod većim pritiskom i podložne većem stepenu očekivanja u području usaglašavanja sa vanjskopolitičkim odlukama EU nego same države članice. Zemlje kandidatkinje za članstvo u EU sa Zapadnog Balkana, trenutno Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Srbija, i Sjeverna Makedonija, te Kosovo, kao potencijalna zemlja kandidatkinja, definirale su članstvo u EU kao njihov strateški cilj. Prihvatanjem Globalne strategije EU i njenih ciljeva stvorene su obaveze koje u praksi ne korespondiraju sa traženim nivoom usklađenosti vanjskih politika ovih zemalja. U tom kontekstu, ova normativna analiza obuhvata sve učestalije slučajeve neusklađivanja sa ZVSP EU kroz 1 identifikaciju ekspanzije obima i kvaliteta tzv. “zasebnih domena”, kao pitanja od posebnog nacionalnog ili državnog interesa u vanjskim politikama zemalja Zapadnog Balkana u kontekstu procesa pristupanja EU. Jačanjem razlika u vanjskopolitičkim pozicijama EU u odnosu na stavove drugih globalnih i međunarodnih normativnih igrača, npr. Rusije, Kine ili Sjedinjenih Američkih Država (SAD), osnažuje se i potreba za očuvanjem „zasebnih domena“ u nekim od zemalja Zapadnog Balkana, a u odnosu na obaveze stvorene SSP-om i druge preuzete obaveze u domenu eurounijskih integracija. Ovakva dinamika usaglašavanja sa navedenim obavezama dolazi u koliziju sa specijalnim odnosima prema drugim normativnim silama u regiji, te dodatno ograničava djelovanje EU kao vanjskopolitičkog aktera na globalnom i međunarodnom planu. Paralelno s ovim pojavama, percepcije aktuelnih pozicija i odnosa moći nisu nužno zasnovane na istinskom nivou angažiranja i investiranja resursa, već na potrebama za snažnijim fokusom na opšte efekte procesa pristupanja, poput instrumenta vanjske politike EU, koji u pravilu nisu značajnije doprinijele eliminiranju spornih tačaka u usaglašavanjima stavova u oblasti vanjske politke EU. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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