ميالد المعنى للشاعر واالرهاصات الفكرية والعقائدية في شعر صدر االسالم. (Arabic)

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    • Alternate Title:
      The Birth of the Meaning of the Poet and the Intellectual and Ideological Omens in the Poetry of Early Islam. (English)
    • Abstract:
      The era of early Islam was characterized by new characteristics, topics, goals, and meanings that carried the values of man, his progress, and his natural role in life. So, it was mixed with belief and faith, and this was linked with the experience and the the beauty of creativity, deviating from the ordinary, breaking known patterns, and building a new horizon for meanings formed in the imagination of the creator that were derived from the new Islamic environment, friction and merging with the spirit of the new age. The Islamic poet built a horizon different from what he know in the time of ignorance. And, the religious and ideological presence had an important role in complying with the poets and rebuilding their ideas and intellectual premises according to the new stage. From here, the researcher tried to shed light on various meanings that recorded a remarkable presence in that era, including: : the word revelation and manifestations of prophecy, the power of Allah Almighty, fulfillment of the covenant, honesty with Allah, generosity and generosity, the teachings of religion, the reality of death, honesty and keeping secrets. For these topics and purposes there was a tangible change in the meaning, some of which were born in the early days of Islam, and some of them were known in the Jahiliyyah, and a new meaning was born for them in the early days of Islam. However, in the end, the absolute and firm faith remained an important axis in building the connotations of the new meanings, which contributed to strengthening and building the Islamic state and gave the reader an impression of how to submit after rebellion and obedience after disobedience, which are new meanings and births that imbued the minds of generations and society. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      تمیَّز عصر صدر الاسلام بخصائص وموضوعات وغایات ومعانی جدیدة تحمل قیم الانسان ورقیَّه ودوره الطبیعی فی الحیاة وکان هذا ممزوجاً بالعقیدة والإیمان وارتبط هذا بالتجربة وجمال الابداع والخروج عن المألوف وکسر للأنماط المعروفة، وبناء افق جدید لمعانی تشکلت فی مخیلة المبدع اسْتُمدتْ من البیئة الاسلامیة الجدیدة والاحتکاک والاندماج مع روح العصر الجدید، فالشاعر الإسلامی بنى أفقًا مختلفا عمّا عرفه فی زمن الجاهلیة وکان للحضور الدینی والعقائدی الدور المهم فی امتثال الشعراء وإعادة بناء أفکارهم ومنطلقات الفکریة وفقًا للمرحلة الجدیدة ، من هنا حاول الباحث ان یسلط الضوء على معانٍ متنوعة سجلت حضوراً لافتا فی تلک الحقبة ومنها: لفظة الوحی وتجلیات النبوة، وقدرة الله تعالى، والوفاء بالعهد، والصدق مع الله، والکرم والجود، وتعالیم الدین، وحقیقة الموت، والامانة وحفظ السر، فکان لهذه الموضوعات والاغراض تغیر ملموساً فی المعنى فمنها ما تولد فی صدر الاسلام ومنها ما کان معروفاً فی الجاهلیة وتولد له معنى جدید فی صدر الإسلام، بید أنّه فی نهایة الأمر بقی الإیمان المطلق والراسخ محورًا مهما فی بناء مدلولات المعانی الجدیدة والتی اسهمت فی تعزیز وبناء دولة الإسلام وأعطت للقارئ انطباعاً عن کیفیة الانقیاد بعد التمرد والطاعة بعد العصیان، وهی معانٍ وولادات جدیدة تشربت بعقول الأجیال والمجتمع. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Copyright of Journal of Anbar University for Languages & Literature / Magallat Gami'at Al-Anbar Li-Lugat Wa-al-Adabl is the property of Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)