Abstract: The article presents a bibliography on the subject of forensic ballistics. Some of the books are--"The Missile and the Weapon," by A.L. Hall, "Study of Fired Bullets and Shells in Brownsville, Texas Riot," "Dispersion of Bullet Energy in Relation to Wound Effects," by Louis B. Wilson, "Fingerprints on Bullets," by C.G. Williams, "The Microscopy of Small Arms Primers," by Émile Monnin Chamot, "Ballistic Jurisprudence," by R.E. Herrick, "The Examination of Firearms and Projectiles in Forensic Cases," by A. Lucas, "Firearms Experts," "What the Bullet Tells," by Hugh Pollard, "Sherlock Holmes Outdone," by George C. Henderson, "Fingerprinting Bullets: The Silent Witness," by Wesley W. Stout, "The Silent Witness Speaks," by Wolcott LeClear Beard, "Optics and the Detective," "Forensic Ballistics," by Calvin H. Goddard, "Tracking the Killer by His Bullets," "The Identification of Firearms and Projectiles," by Sidney Smith, "The Identification of Projectiles in Criminal Cases," by Calvin H. Goddard and others.
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