»Kulturbundovci« na zatožni klopi: ozadje sodnih procesov poleti 1945. (Slovenian)

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      In the summer of 1945 military courts and the Court of Slovenian National Honour held numerous political trials against "national enemies" and "domestic traitors". Most people at these trials were convicted due to their political collaboration with the occupier during the war. The highest number of trials referred to the Kulturbund membership and were mostly held in Maribor and Celje. Hearings were usually short and fast. Sentences were high and usually included the confiscation of property with long-term consequences. Legal practice after 1991 shows that the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia consented to protection of legality claims which challenged verdicts referring to Kulturbund membership. The court decided that the mere membership in the Kulturbund should not be punishable by law. Such allegations point to the incrimination of status and not to the actual and defined criminal offence, which the accused were supposed to do. An exact number of people, convicted because of Kulturbund membership is still not known. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Poleti 1945 so pred vojaškimi sodišči in Sodiščem slovenske narodne časti potekali številni politični sodni procesi proti »narodnim sovražnikom« in »domačim izdajalcem«. Na teh procesih je bilo največ ljudi obsojenih zaradi medvojnega političnega sodelovanja z okupatorji. Najštevilčnejši so bili procesi zaradi članstva v Kulturbundu. Večinoma so potekali pred sodišči v Mariboru in Celju. Postopki so bili hitri in kratki. Sodišča so izrekala visoke kazni, največkrat tudi zaplembo premoženja, ki so imele dolgoročne posledice. Sodna praksa po letu 1991 kaže, da je Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije ugodilo zahtevam za varstvo zakonitosti, ki so izpodbijale sodbe zaradi članstva v Kulturbundu. Odločilo je, da zgolj članstvo v Kulturbundu ne bi smelo biti kaznivo, saj takšna obtožba pomeni inkriminacijo statusa ter ne konkretno in določno opredeljenega kaznivega dejanja, ki naj bi ga obtoženi storil. Natančno število obsojenih zaradi članstva v Kulturbundu še ni znano. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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