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Horizontalne razlike u v isokom obrazovanju u Hrvatskoj: učinci različitih oblika kapitala na odabir fakulteta različitog društvenog statusa.
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The aim of the paper is to examine horizontal inequalities in higher education in the Croatian context. Starting from the theory of cultural and social reproduction (Bourdieu, 2011), it is hypothesized that, regardless of students’ high school achievement, differences in the likelihood of choosing more or less socially selective fields of study are related to students’ cultural and economic capital. The analyses are based on data collected during the academic year 2016/17 on a sample of 1,533 second and third-year students at 13 faculties of the University of Zagreb. In order to test the starting hypothesis, the first step was to establish a hierarchy of faculties sorted by the fields of study, according to the level of education of the students’ parents. Using multinomial logistic regression analysis, the effects of the students’ cultural and economic capital on the likelihood of choosing more or less socially selective fields of study were examined. The results show that the probability of choosing a field of study is related to economic capital and various forms of cultural capital of students. For the students of some faculties the effect of economic capital is direct, while for others the effect is indirect and is, mediated by the students’ high school achievement. With the exception of the STEM faculties, possession of cultural capital increases the likelihood of choosing more socially selective faculties regardless of school achievement. The findings indicate that choices in higher education cannot be separated from the socioeconomic and sociocultural surroundings of students. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
Cilj rada je ispitati horizontalne nejednakosti u visokom obrazovanju u hrvatskom kontekstu. Polazeći od teorije kulturne i socijalne reprodukcije (Bourdieu, 2011.) postavlja se hipoteza da su, nezavisno od uspjeha u srednjoj školi, razlike u vjerojatnosti odabira više ili manje društveno selektivnih područja studija povezane s kulturnim i ekonomskim kapitalom studenata. Provedene analize temelje se na podacima prikupljenim tijekom akademske godine 2016./17. na uzorku od 1 533 studenta druge i treće godine na 13 fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Kako bi se provjerila polazna hipoteza, u prvom je koraku utvrđena hijerarhija fakulteta okupljenih u područja studija prema stupnju obrazovanja roditelja studenata. Primjenom multinomijalne logističke regresijske analize ispitani su učinci kulturnog i ekonomskog kapitala studenata na vjerojatnost odabira više ili manje društveno selektivnih područja studija. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je vjerojatnost odabira područja studija povezana s ekonomskim i različitim oblicima kulturnog kapitala studenata. Za dio fakulteta učinak ekonomskog kapitala je izravan, a za dio neizravan odnosno posredovan srednjoškolskim uspjehom. S izuzetkom STEM područja, posjedovanje kulturnog kapitala povećava vjerojatnost odabira društveno selektivnijih fakulteta bez obzira na školski uspjeh. Dobiveni nalazi upućuju da se odabiri u visokom obrazovanju ne mogu odvojiti od socioekonomskog i sociokulturnog okruženja studenata. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
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