Abstract: R. Dobrushin worked in several branches of mathematics (probability theory, information theory), but his deepest influence was on mathematical physics. He was one of the founders of the rigorous study of statistical physics. When Dobrushin began working in that direction in the early sixties, only a few people worldwide were thinking along the same lines. Now there is an army of researchers in the field. This collection is devoted to the memory of R. L. Dobrushin. The authors who contributed to this collection knew him quite well and were his colleagues. The title, “On Dobrushin's Way”, is meant to stress the fact that the current development of mathematical physics is evolving along the lines that Dobrushin foresaw. His ideas and methods are extensively employed today. Beyond research papers, this volume contains a short biography. Recollections from his contemporaries and younger colleagues are also included. This short biographical section sketches for readers a bit of Dobrushin's qpersonality.
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