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Adolescencija i doping. (Bosnian)
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- Alternate Title:
Adolescence and doping. (English)
- Abstract:
The desire to win sports competitions or obsession with achieving the perfect body structure has made some adolescents and children vulnerable to taking substances and use of methods prohibited in sports. In our review, we refer to most of the research in the field of doping that narrowly concerns adolescents as a vulnerable group. In our search of the literature, we used the free search engine PubMed. The search was made in all fields based on the MeSH thesaurus; adolescent *, doping, sport *, youth drug abuse in sport using the Boolean operator AND. Based on the aforementioned MeSH thesaurus, using the Boolean operator AND, the Pubmed search engine offered more than 500 results. Careful reading of abstracts and full papers with a defined topic of interest for discussion included 41 papers. In conclusion, it is an indisputable fact that illicit substances adversely affect adolescent health, growth and development. Despite development of the policies and strategies of developed countries in the fight against doping, the results clearly indicate that education, prevention, prohibition and testing programs on substances and methods prohibited in sports still need to be intensified. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
Želja za osvajanjem športskih natjecanja ili opsjednutost postizanjem savršene građe učinila je pojedine adolescente i djecu podložnima uzimanju tvari ili primjeni metoda zabranjenih u športu. U našem smo se pregledu dotakli većine istraživanja iz područja dopinga koja se usko odnose na adolescente kao na vulnerabilnu skupinu. U potrazi za literaturom služili smo se tražilicom PubMed. Pretraga je izvođena po svim poljima na temelju MeSH predmetnica, adolescen*, doping, sport*, youth drug abuse in sport uz upotrebu Booleova operatora AND. Pubmed tražilica ponudila je više od 500 rezultata. Pomnim čitanjem sažetaka i cjelovitih radova, uz definiranu tematiku zanimljivu za raspravu odabran je 41 rad. Nesporna je činjenica da sredstva nedopuštena u športu štetno utječu na zdravlje, rast i razvitak u adolescentnoj dobi. Unatoč kreiranju politike i strategije razvijenijih zemalja u borbi protiv dopinga, rezultati jasno upućuju na to da se i dalje intenzivnije mora raditi na programima obrazovanja, prevencije, zabrane i testiranja na sredstva zabranjena u športu. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
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