Arhitekturni jezik Jožeta Plečnika v izbranih delih njegovega ljubljanskega opusa. (Slovenian)

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    • Alternate Title:
      Jože Plečnik's architectural language in selected works of his opus in Ljubljana. (English)
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    • Abstract:
      The author of the article analyses the characteristics of architectural language in selected works of architect Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana. He considers whether Plečnik's architectural language is only universal, local, modern or a synthesis of universal (i.e. classical or traditional), local and modern language, or even more? Plečnik's typical architectural elements and syntax are defined and presented in the form of tables and photographs, as well as in some examples with quotations from reputable experts. The author's conclusion is that architectural works and urban design of architect Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana contain a specific and personal architectural language that is different from the dominant form seen around the world between the two world wars. The architectural elements mainly draw types (and spaces) from classical architecture, from ancient Egyptian, antique, Renaissance and Baroque, as well as folk and even near and far eastern architectural traditions, and have been innovatively summarised, transformed and updated for the new needs of modern man. The architectural works were, one by one, gradually integrated into the harmonious whole of public spaces within the historical-spatial context of the city. The synthesis of existing and new buildings and spaces with compositional principles as well as added green spaces represents the continuity of memory and a new identity. Public spaces are connected in a green urban grid on a human scale. Selected works make an important contribution to the architectural creativity of the first half of the 20th century, due to the generally clearly recognisable, different and symbolic architectural language in the period in which they were created, as well as the multi-meaning, unique, high quality and ethical approach of the architect to the space. They show an innovative personal architectural language, an original (re)shaping of the architectural tradition and a different kind of modernity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Avtor članka razčlenjuje značilnosti arhitekturnega jezika v izbranih ljubljanskih delih arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika. Sprašuje se, ali je Plečnikov arhitekturni jezik samo univerzalen, lokalen, moderen ali sinteza univerzalnega (torej klasičnega ali tradicionalnega), lokalnega in modernega jezika oziroma še kaj več. Značilne Plečnikove arhitekturne elemente in sintakso opredeli in predstavi s tabelami in fotografijami ter posamezne primere podkrepi s citati uglednih strokovnjakov. Avtorjev sklep je, da arhitekturna dela in urbanistične poteze arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika v Ljubljani vsebujejo (p)osebni arhitekturni jezik, ki je drugačen od jezika v svetu prevladujočih arhitekturnih smeri med svetovnima vojnama. Arhitekturni elementi, tipi (in prostori) predvsem iz klasične arhitekture, od staroegipčanske, antične, renesančne in baročne, pa tudi ljudske ter celo bližnje- in daljnovzhodne arhitekturne tradicije, so inovativno povzeti, preobraženi in posodobljeni za nove potrebe modernega človeka. Arhitekturna dela so bila, drugo za drugim, v zgodovinsko-prostorskem kontekstu mesta postopoma povezana v harmonično celoto javnih prostorov. Sinteza zatečenih in novih stavb, prostorov s kompozicijskimi načeli ter dodanih zelenih površin pomeni kontinuiteto spomina in novo identiteto. Javni prostori so povezani v zeleni urbani mreži v merilu človeka. Izbrana dela zaradi splošno jasno prepoznavnega, drugačnega in simbolnega arhitekturnega jezika, pa tudi večpomenskosti, edinstvenosti, kakovosti in etičnega pristopa arhitekta do prostora v času, v katerem so nastala, pa vse do danes pomenijo pomemben prispevek k arhitekturni ustvarjalnosti prve polovice 20. stoletja. V njih prepoznamo inovativni osebni arhitekturni jezik, izvirno (pre)oblikovanje arhitekturne tradicije in drugačno modernost. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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