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Vision is one of the dominant senses. Humans perceive up to 80% of all impressions from our environment by means of our sight. Vision plays central role in child's ability to gather information about the world and in the way child learns about the world. Visual impairment can affect all areas of child's development and can have long-term impact on child's life. Vision or sight, as a sense, has significant impact on child's general development. Timely recognition of the risks that can lead to visual impairments and appropriate intervention can decrease impact of visual impairment on one's life and can improve quality of life. Current researches suggest that high-risk children are more likely to develop visual impairments. Researches also suggest that children in this category need to undergo assessments starting from the birth in order to determine how they use their vision in every day activities. Functional vision assessment is an assessment of how a child uses the vision in every day life, i.e. child's abilities in visual activities. Timely assessment of children with perinatal brain demage enables early detection of potential visual impairments. Early detection of visual difficulties provides possibility for creating adequate methods of habilitation based on neuroplasticity in infants and children. Main objective of this paperis to point out the connection between visual impairments and child's general development as well as importance of early detection of possible visual impairments in high-risk children so appropriate habilitation programmes could be conducted as early as possible. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
Vid predstavlja jedno od vodećih osjetila kod čovjeka. Putem vida čovjek prikuplja čak 80% informacija iz svoje okoline. Osjet vida ima značajan utjecaj na cjelokupan razvoj djeteta u svim razvojnim područjima i time oštećenje vida kod djece ima dugotrajne učinke na njegov život. Pravodobno uočavanje rizika koji mogu dovesti do oštećenja vida i samih odstupanja, kao i pružanje primjerene intervencije može smanjiti utjecaj oštećenja vida te tako doprinijeti povećanju kvalitete života. Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima visokoneurorizična djeca imaju veću vjerojatnost za razvoj oštećenja vida. Zbog toga je potrebno već od rođenja procijeniti kako koriste vid tj. koje su djetetove sposobnosti funkcioniranja u vizualnim aktivnostima. Pravodobna procjena funkcionalnog vida kod djece s perinatalnim ozljedama mozga omogućuju rano otkrivanje potencijalnih oštećenja u vizualnom funkcioniranju djeteta, a ujedno omogućuje kreiranje adekvatnih metoda habilitacije koje se temelje na procesima plastičnosti mozga u dojenačkoj i ranoj dječjoj dobi. Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na povezanost oštećenje vida na sveukupan razvoj djeteta, te važnost rane detekcije mogućeg oštećenja vida kod visokoneurorizične djece, kako bi se što ranije počeli provoditi odgovarajući habilitacijski programi. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
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