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    • Alternate Title:
      Urbanizacija i urbano planiranje na poluperiferiji Evrope: Nenameravane rodne konsekvence. (Croatian)
    • Abstract:
      This paper aims to answer two main questions: 1. what is the relation between urbanization, gender regimes and everyday lives of women at the European semiperiphery and 2. what is the role of urban planning in shaping gender relevant social changes? The authors present an historical overview of intersections between urbanization, planning and gender regimes, from socialist to present neoliberal conditions, the overview of gender aspects of everyday urban life and also engage with analysis of challenges of gender sensitive planning and development at the European semiperiphery. The analysis is mostly based on the case of Serbia and ex-Yugoslav region and has three main objectives: to define key challenges for engendering urban development and planning in the semiperiphery, to map out the ‘knowledge gaps', and to suggest guidelines for further research. In conclusion the authors state that urbanization at the semiperiphery on the one hand opens new opportunities for women, but also poses new challenges that make gender sensitive to urban planning very relevant for the quality of life of both genders. The ‘gender and social double blindness' of urban planning and neoliberal urban development model at the European semiperiphery, are seen both as one of the key challenges to gender equality, as well as one of the consequences of their semiperipherial position. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      U ovom radu odgovaramo na dva osnovna pitanja: 1. kakva je veza između urbanizacije, rodnih režima i svakodnevnog života žena na poluperiferiji Evrope i 2. koja je uloga urbanog planiranja u oblikovanju rodno relevantnih društvenih promena? Autorke daju istorijski pregled tačaka ukrštanja urbanizacije, planiranja i rodnih režima u socijalističkim i savremenim neoliberalnim okolnostima, pregled rodnih aspekata urbane svakodnevnice i upuštaju se u analizu izazova rodno senzitivnog urbanog planiranja i razvoja na poluperiferiji Evrope. Analiza je uglavnom zasnovana na slučaju Srbije i zemalja bivše Jugoslavije a ima tri osnovna cilja: definisanje ključnih izazova urodnjavanja urbanog planiranja i razvoja na poluperiferiji Evrope, identifikaciju saznajnih praznina i formulisanje smernica za dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti. Autorke zaključuju da urbanizacija na poluperiferiji pruža ženama nove mogućnosti ali ih istovremeno postavlja pred nove izazove, što rodno senzitivno urbano planiranje čini vrlo značajnim za kvalitet života muškaraca i žena. “Socijalno i rodno, duplo slepilo”i neoliberalni model planiranja i razvoja gradova na poluperiferiji Evrope se sagledavaju kao osnovne prepreke rodnoj ravnopravnosti u urbanom kontekstu, ali i kao posledice samog poluperifernog položaja. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
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