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Gibalna aktivnost dializnih bolnikov. (Slovenian)
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Physical activity in dialysis patients. (English)
- Abstract:
Nowadays, we are facing a large number of chronical diseases, including chronic kidney disease (CKD). Patients in whom CKD advances to the end stage disease are treated mostly with hemodialysis, which takes place three times a week for four to five hours. Due to the nature of the disease, physical inactivity and diet restrictions, these patients suffer from cardiovascular and infectious disease more than the general population does. Muscular atrophy and physical impairement also develop. Systematic literature review shows that physical activity has many positive effects on the health of dialysis patients. In some dialysis centers around the globe the physical exercise program runs simultaneously with hemodilaysis. Research shows beneficial effects of such training. In Australia, the intradialytic exercise pilot program was even so successful that more than 70% of the patients now participate in such a training program. The advantage of this type of program is also the constant presence of a kinesiologist during the exercise. Many previous studies report the effects of intradialytic training on a customized ergometer, which can currently be considered as the gold standard of the training type for dialysis patients. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
Dandanes se srečujemo z velikim številom kroničnih bolezni, med katere sodi tudi kronična ledvična bolezen (KLB). Bolnike, pri katerih KLB napreduje do končne ledvične odpovedi, v največjem številu zdravijo s hemodializo, ki večinoma poteka trikrat na teden od štiri do pet ur. Zaradi narave bolezni, fizične neaktivnosti in omejitev v prehrani so pri teh bolnikih srčno-žilna obolenja in okužbe pogostejše kot v splošni populaciji. Pogosti sta tudi atrofija mišic in gibalna oviranost. Pregled literature pokaže, da telesna aktivnost zelo pozitivno učinkuje na zdravje dializnih bolnikov. V nekaterih dializnih centrih po svetu bolniki izvajajo telesno vadbo sočasno s hemodializo. Raziskave kažejo na ugodne učinke tovrstne vadbe. V Avstraliji je bil pilotni program intradializne vadbe celo tako uspešen, da sedaj več kot 70 odstotkov bolnikov sodeluje v takšnem vadbenem programu. Prednost tega programa je tudi stalna prisotnost kineziologa med vadbo. Intradializno vadbo na prilagojenem kolesu lahko vrednotimo kot zlati standard vadbenega načina za dializne bolnike. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
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