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Ko razumeš, da je dobro življenje moto zadruge, tvoje delovanje postane čisto drugačno: Intervju z Jadranko Vesel. (Slovenian)
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- Author(s): Babič, Karolina
- Source:
Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo; 2018, Vol. 46 Issue 271, p87-103, 17p
- Additional Information
- Alternate Title:
When A Good Life is the Motto of the Co-Operative, your Activities Become Quite Different: An Interview with Jadranka Vesel. (English)
- Abstract:
Jadranka Vesel starts out the interview by sharing her experiences with cooperatives in the time of socialism. Through the distinction of the different forms of ownership (social, state, private, commons), she explains the concept of the commons and stresses the need to define group interests, while also touching on the topics of responsibility and solidarity. In the second part of the interview, Jadranka Vesel talks about the social economy and discusses the role of co-operatives and nongovernmental organisations. She also discusses the concept of "social entrepreneurship" in relation to capitalist interests in both the EU and Slovenia. Finally, she speaks about the policymaking in this field in Slovenia, and describes possible tactics and strategies for the implementation of the social economy in practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
Jadranka Vesel najprej spregovori o lastni izkušnji zadružništva v času socializma. Skozi distinkcije različnih oblik lastnine (družbena, državna, zasebna, skupnostna) se vzporedno dotika koncepta skupnega in poudari nujnost formulacije interesa določene skupine, se ustavi pri vprašanju odgovornosti in solidarnosti. V drugem delu spregovori o socialni ekonomiji, o vlogi zadrug, nevladnih organizacij in t. i. socialnega podjetništva, pri njem še zlasti o interesu kapitalizma na ravni Evropske unije in Slovenije. Na koncu intervjuja se dotakne delovanja politike na tem področju v Sloveniji in opiše še mogoče taktike in strategije za uveljavljanje socialne ekonomije v praksi. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
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