[Bacterial contamination of salted ocean mackerel during the production process].

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  • Author(s): Todorov I
  • Source:
    Veterinarno-meditsinski nauki [Vet Med Nauki] 1975; Vol. 12 (2), pp. 51-7.
  • Publication Type:
    English Abstract; Journal Article
  • Language:
  • Additional Information
    • Transliterated Title:
      Prouchvane vurkhu bakteriĭnoto kontaminirane na solena okeanska skumriia prez vreme na proizvodstveniia proteses
    • Source:
      Publisher: Izdatelstvo Na Bulgarskaia Akademiia Na Naukite Country of Publication: Bulgaria NLM ID: 0414760 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0324-1068 (Print) Linking ISSN: 03241068 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Vet Med Nauki Subsets: MEDLINE
    • Publication Information:
      Publication: Sofia : Izdatelstvo Na Bulgarskaia Akademiia Na Naukite
      Original Publication: Sofiia, Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademiia na naukite.
    • Subject Terms:
    • Abstract:
      Studied were the more important sources of bacterial contamination. Examined were the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scomburs) -- both its skin surface and the musculature prior to and after thawing, cleaning and washing and salting. Tested were also the cooking salt used, the brine, the conveyer bands, the vats for salting, the hands and clothing of the workers engaged as well as the water in the shop. The microbiologic study concerned the total bacterial count per gram of tissue (1 cu. cm, 1 squ. cm), the counts of coliforms, bacilli, moulds, yeasts, Salmonellae, and pathogenic staphylococci. It was found that during processing the microbial contamination of fish considerably rises. Some more important sources of primary microflora are the raw fish, the salt, brine, conveyers, and the workers' hands and overalls. The vats for salting and the water rank second as bacterial sources. Salmonellae and pathogenic staphylococci were not isolated. A considerable rise in fish microflora was observed during the process of thawing. Some changes are suggested for the technology of thawing as well as some measures to improve the sanitary and hygiene requirements to be observed during the production process.
    • Accession Number:
      0 (Salts)
    • Publication Date:
      Date Created: 19750101 Date Completed: 19750808 Latest Revision: 20061115
    • Publication Date:
    • Accession Number: