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  • Author(s): JAHIĆ, MUSTAFA
  • Source:
    Annals of Gazi Husrev-Beg's Library / Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke; 2015, Vol. 36, p97-119, 23p
  • Additional Information
    • Alternate Title:
      Restrictive expressions in the text of Qur'an. (English)
    • Abstract:
      This paper deals with research in restriction (qasr) as one of the styles of Qur'an expression. In addition to providing definition of restriction, division to categories/subcategories, it analyzes individual ayaths of Qur'an that manifest restriction in all its forms and shapes. Since restrictive clause includes affirmation (itbat) and negation (nafy), two categories of negation may be determined in restrictive clauses based on the way how negation is realized: real restriction (qasr haqiqi) and supplementary restriction (qasr idafi). Real restriction is also divided into two categories based on conformity of its negation with out of language reality (waqi'harigi): realized restriction (qasr tahaqiqi) and assertion-based restriction (qasr iddi a i), marked also as hyperbolic restriction (qasr mabni 'ala mubalaga) or metaphoric restriction (qasr magi). Supplementary restriction (qasr idafi), depending on the relation of interlocutor (muhatab) toward the subject of expression, is dived into three categories: separating restriction (qasr al-ifrad), reverse restriction (qasr alqalb), and determining restriction (qasr al-ta 'yin). Restriction is divided also on the basis of existence of two sides of restrictive expression: restriction in which an attribute is limited to a concept (qasr al-sifa 'ala al-mawsif) and restriction in which the concept is limited to feature (qasr al-mawsif 'ala al-sifa). Through an analysis of Qur'an ayaths and on the basis of the mentioned types of restriction, the paper tries to show the functional and aesthetic dimensions of restriction expressed through various syntactical forms characterized by succinctness, conciseness, and preciseness of the Qur'an text. Each of them, in their own way, expresses hidden and especially deep meanings, thus producing a strong effect on both the interlocutor and the recipient of the message of Qur'an. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Ovaj rad se bavi istraživanjem restrikcije (qasr), kao jednog od stilova kur'anskog iskaza. Rad se, pored definiranja restrikcije, podjele na vrste i podvrste, posebno bavi analizom pojedinih kur'anskih ajeta u kojima se manifestira restrikcija u svim svojim oblicima i vrstama. Pošto restriktivna rečenica istovremeno sadrži afirmaciju (itbat) i negaciju (nafy) na osnovu načina realizacije negacije u restriktivnom iskazu utvrđuju se i dvije vrste restrikcije: stvarna ili realna restrikcija (qasr haqiqt) i dopunska ili suplementarna restrikcija (qasr idafi). Stvarna restrikcija se, također, na osnovu saglasnosti njene negacije s izvanjezičkom stvarnosti (waqi ' harigi) dijeli na dvije vrste: ostvarenu restrikciju (qasr tahaqiqt) i restrikciju zasnovanu na tvrdnji (qasr iddi 'a'T) govornoga lica, koja se označava i kao hiperbolička restrikcija (qasr mabni 'ala mubalaga), odnosno metaforička restrikcija (qasr magazT). Dopunska restrikcija (qasr idafi), zavisno od odnosa sagovornika (muhatab) prema predmetu iskaza dijeli se, također, na tri vrste: restrikciju izdvajanja (qasr al-ifrad), restrikciju obrnutosti (qasr al-qalb) i restrikciju određivanja (qasr al-ta'yin). Restrikcija se dijeli i na osnovu postojanja dvije strane restriktivnog iskaza, također, na dvije vrste: restrikciju u kojoj se svojstvo ograničava na pojam (qasr al-sifa 'ala al-mawsuf) i restrikciju u kojoj se pojam ograničava na svojstvo (qasr al-mawsuf 'ala al-sifa). Radom se kroz analizu kur'anskih ajeta, a na temelju navedenih vrsta restrikcije želi pokazati funkcionalna i estetska dimenzija restrikcije iskazane kroz raznovrsne sintaksičke forme koje se odlikuju jezgrovitošđu, konciznošđu i preciznošđu kur'anskoga teksta, iskazujuđi svaka na svoj način skrivena i posebno duboka značenja čime snažno utječu i na sagovornika kao recipijenta kur'anske poruke. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Copyright of Annals of Gazi Husrev-Beg's Library / Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke is the property of Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke (GHB) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)