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Rolpersepsies van dosente van eerstejaars in die natuurwetenskappe: 'n Fokus op geslagsverskille.
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Role perceptions of lecturers of first year science students: A focus on gender differences.
- Abstract:
A marked increase in student enrolments in South African public universities over the last two decades, allowed substantially more 'nontraditional' students into the sector. These students typically have unsatisfactory levels of school performance, lack communication skills (especially in English) and mostly have first-generation status. The Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) established its First Year Academy (FYA) in 2007. The FYA, a community of practice for lecturers of first-year students, promotes optimal student learning, and expects lecturers to optimise their facilitation of learning strategies. Not much is known (research-wise) about role adaptions that lecturers of first-year students (especially in science faculties) are expected (forced?) to make in such circumstances. A literature-validated Likert-type questionnaire, involving 53 first-year lecturers (almost 60% females), was subsequently administered. The survey gathered perceptions in respect of eight literature-based roles that lecturers (could or should) play when dealing with first-year students, as well as their self-appraised competence in fulfilling these roles. The Mann-Whitney U-test revealed significant differences between the perceived role importance and competence of male and female lecturers in respect of certain roles. The study revealed a significant relationship between the gender and opinions (and also behaviours) of science lecturers for first-year students at UJ. Capacity building geared at the more proficient execution of the roles of course designer, teacher, course manager and peer consultant is regarded as vital. A tailor-made professional development programme is offered by the Faculty of Science's FYA as of 2014. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
Vanweë 'n merkbare verhoging in die aantal van studente aan Suid-Afrikaanse openbare universiteite gedurende die afgelope twee dekades het aansienlik meer 'nietradisionele' studente dié sektor betree. Sodanige studente beskik tipies oor onbevredigende skoolprestasievlakke en kommunikasievaardighede (veral in Engels) en het meestal eerstegenerasie-status. Die Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg (UJ) het in 2007 'n Eerstejaar-Akademie, oftewel First Year Academy (FYA) gestig. Die FYA verteenwoordig 'n praktykgemeenskap vir die dosente van eerstejaars, bevorder optimale leer by studente en verwag van dosente om die fasilitering van hul leerstrategieë te optimaliseer. Navorsingsgewys is weinig bekend oor die rolaanpassings wat van die dosente van eerstejaars in natuurwetenskappe verwag (of waartoe hulle gedwing?) word om in sulke omstandighede te maak. Altesaam 53 eerstejaardosente (60% vroulik) was betrokke by 'n tipe Likertskaal-opname (literatuurgevalideerd). Die opname het persepsies aan die lig gebring ten opsigte van agt literatuurgebaseerde rolle wat dosente kan of behoort te vertolk wanneer hulle eerstejaarstudente onderrig, sowel as hul vaardigheid ter vervulling van sodanige rolle. Die Mann-Whitney U-toets het beduidende verskille in die persepsies van die belangrikheid van en vaardigheid in rolle tussen manlike en vroulike dosente getoon ten opsigte van sommige van die rolle. 'n Statisties beduidende verwantskap tussen hul geslag en die menings (asook optrede) van natuurwetenskapdosente vir eerstejaars aan UJ is ook te bespeur. Die bou van kapasiteit, gerig op die meer bedrewe vertolking van die rolle van kursusontwerper, onderriggewer, kursusbestuurder en eweknie-konsultant, word as uiters belangrik beskou. 'n Professionele ontwikkelingsprogram spesifiek vir hierdie doel ontwerp, is vanaf 2014 deur die Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe se Eerstejaar-Akademie aangebied. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
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