Phebe Fletcher was an intriguing woman of eighteenth-century Charleston whose unconventional lifestyle earned both derision and respect from her neighbors. Born to a respectable family of unknown origin, she was “seduced” from the bounds of tradit...
Join Operation HOPE for practical tips and strategies to help you take control of your credit and build a strong financial foundation to positively impact your future.
The Charleston County Public Library and Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center are partnering in April to bring awareness to Child Abuse Prevention Month. All month-long Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center will visit select locations to share information...
Thomas Francis Meagher (1823–1867) was a famous Irish patriot of the mid-nineteenth century whose agitation for independence from Britain led to his exile from the Emerald Isle. After settling in New York in 1852, Meagher visited Charleston severa...
Join author Margaret Seidler, CCPL Multimedia Coordinator Julian Gooding, and CCPL Historian Nic Butler for conversations about Seidler's work "Payne-ful Business." See full schedule below.
“Payne-ful” Business: Charleston's Journey to Truth ...
Author Willa McGirth Singleton will discuss her debut children's book, Andrew Dennis Harper Davis. Through vivid illustrations and engaging storytelling, young readers will discover how Andrew's ADHD traits make him a remarkable Superhero. No sign...
Yoga for Kids with art is a journey through stories, movement, and open-ended art. This is a safe space for children to explore thought, emotion, movement, and creativity. It is a unique program designed to foster personal growth and mental wellne...
Join CCPL and Financial Services Professional Robert Hubsmith to learn about a variety of Medicare topics. Topics will vary by location, please see a full schedule below.
Save lives, donate today! The American Red Cross will facilitate several blood drives this spring and summer at various CCPL locations. See the schedule and locations below. It is highly recommended that you schedule a donation time in advance, bu...
Join Financial Security Advisor Gabe Gold for a seminar tailormade for retirees and pre-retirees. Learn strategies and techniques that will enable you to generate a steady income stream that is guaranteed to last a lifetime, and take the opportuni...