Subjects: SCIENTIFIC literature; WORLD Machine. The First Phase, The (Book); LILIES & Orchids (Book)
Record details
Subjects: UNITED Nations; CONFERENCES & conventions; ASSOCIATIONS, institutions, etc.
Subjects: ANGELS & Ages: A Short Book About Darwin, Lincoln & Modern Life (Book); DARWIN'S Sacred Cause: How a Hatred of Slavery Shaped Darwin's Views on Human Nature (Book); BANQUET at Delmonico's: Great Minds, the Gilded Age & the Triumph of Evolution in America (Book)
Subjects: BOOKS; FLOWERS; FERTILIZATION (Biology)EFFECTS of Cross & Self-Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom, The (Book)DARWIN, Charles, 1809-1882
Subjects: ILLUSTRATED booksPILGRIM'S Progress, The (Book : Bunyan); SKETCH Book, The (Book); ORCHIDS: The Royal Family of Plants (Book)STEWART, Harriet; BUNYAN, John, 1628-1688
Subjects: BOOKSPILGRIM'S Progress, The (Book : Bunyan); MOUNTAIN Anthem: The Beatitudes in Rhythmic Echoes, The (Book); ORCHIDS: The Royal Family of Plants (Book)STEWART, Harriet; BUNYAN, John, 1628-1688; RICHARDS, C.
Subjects: SCIENCE; BOOKS; REPTILES of the World (Book)
Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY; ANDERSEN'S Fairy Tales (Book); EXAMPLES in Algebra (Book)
Subjects: PUBLISHING; BOOKS; ROYCE, Josiah, 1855-1916