Subjects: Evolution Under Pressure: How We Change Nature & How Nature Changes Us (Book); Ridge, Yolanda; Anthropogenic effects on nature
Record details
Subjects: Earth Detox: How & Why We Must Clean Up Our Planet (Book); Cribb, Julian; Anthropogenic effects on nature
Subjects: Our World out of Balance: Understanding Climate Change & What We Can Do (Book); Minoglio, Andrea; Anthropogenic effects on nature
Subjects: Life Changing: How Humans Are Altering Life on Earth (Book); Pilcher, Helen; Anthropogenic effects on nature
Subjects: Extreme Conservation: Life at the Edges of the World (Book); Berger, Joel; Anthropogenic effects on nature
Subjects: Wild World (Book : McAllister); McAllister, Angela; Habitats
Subjects: Never out of Season: How Having the Food We Want We Want It Threatens Our Food Supply & Our Future (Book); Dunn, Rob; Anthropogenic effects on nature
Subjects: Human Age: The World Shaped by Us, The (Book); Ackerman, Diane, 1948-; Anthropogenic effects on nature