Summary: In a kingdom divided by extraordinary powers and a strict caste system, Paedyn Gray, a young girl with no abilities, must hide her ordinary nature as she navigates a forbidden romance with a powerful prince and must participate in the perilous Purging Trials that could reveal her true identity.
Summary: Red Queen meets The Hunger Games in this epic and sizzling fantasy romance not to be missed. Only the extraordinary belong in the kingdom of Ilya . . . The exceptional. The Elites. The Elites have possessed powers for decades, gifted to them by the Plague, while those born Ordinary are just that, banished from the kingdom and shunned from society. No one knows this better than Paedyn Gray, an Ordinary posing as an Elite. When she unsuspectingly saves one of Ilya's princes, Kai Azer, she's thrown into the Purging Trials, a brutal competition to showcase her 'Elite' powers. If the Trials and the opponents don't kill her, the prince she's fighting feelings for will if he discovers what Paedyn really is . . . completely Ordinary.
Series information from Ages 14 up. Simon & Schuster BFYR. Grades 10-12. Simon & Schuster BFYR. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 17 19 20 21 22 NEW-YA
9781665954884 1665954884
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