Summary: "Michio Kaku, renowned theoretical physicist and author of Hyperspace and The Future of Humanity, tells the story of the greatest quest in science. When Newton discovered the laws of motion and gravity, he unified the rules of heaven and earth. From then on, physicists have been discovering new forces and incorporating them into ever-greater theories. But the major breakthroughs of the 20th century--relativity and quantum mechanics--are incompatible, and so since then, physicists have been endeavoring to combine these two theories. This would ultimately tie all the forces in the universe together into one beautiful equation that can unlock the deepest mysteries of space and time. That epic journey is the story of this book"-- Provided by publisher.
Content Notes:
Introduction to the final theory -- Unification, the ancient dream -- Einstein's quest for unification -- Rise of the quantum -- Theory of almost everything -- The dark universe -- Rise of string theory : promise and problems -- Finding meaning in the universe.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 205-219) and index. 1 2 3 17 20 21
9780593396445 0593396448
Accession Number:
Accession Number:
Branch: Main Library - Large Print Area
Call Number: 523.1 KAKU
Branch: Bees Ferry West Ashley Library - Large Print Area
Call Number: 523.1 KAKU
Branch: John's Island Library - Large Print Area
Call Number: 523.1 KAKU
Branch: Mt. Pleasant Library - Large Print Area
Call Number: 523.1 KAKU
Branch: Dorchester Road Library - Large Print Area
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